The Aiken Camellia Society meets the second Thursday of each month, October through March, at 7 o'clock pm at St. John's United Methodist Church on Newberry Street in Aiken, SC. All meetings have a program centered around Camellia care and propagation or related topics. In addition there are other activities to include our Annual Auction fundraiser, picnic, 2 Camellia Shows, and airlayering field trips.Membership dues are $10 for individuals and $12 for families annually. The Aiken Camellia Show is an ACS sanctioned show held the third weekend of January each year. There is no entry fee and club members will be on hand to assist newcomers. The North Augusta Camellia Show is an educational activity instructing the public on how to enter blooms and how to judge the camellias. There are also persons available to help identify and assist in entering blooms, as well as a general information table relating to camellia care and propagation, lectures or workshops. A recent book documenting the 56 camellias registered by Aiken County residents has been published by W. Lee Poe, Jr. This fine document contains descriptions and in most cases pictures of the cultivars and information about the propagator. There are a number of ACS certified judges and novice judges in the Aiken Camellia Society who travel the Southeast to assist other groups in judging camellia shows.
If you are interested in more information on the Aiken Camellia Society should contact any of the officers or Jim Dickson at (803) 279-9451 or
Annual Camellia Auction (see schedule) held at the March meeting is attended by visitors and members alike. This is an opportunity to purchase show winning cultivars in an atmosphere of competition and fun. All proceeds support the shows and other camellia projects.
Local Speakers Bureau is maintained by The Aiken Camellia Society to expand the love and knowledge of camellias throughout the surrounding area. We conduct 10 to 20 speaking engagements annually to garden and civic organizations locally in South Carolina and Georgia.
Hopelands Gardens in Aiken, SC - A Camellia Species Garden at has been established and is maintained by Lee Poe and other society members.
Maude Edenfield Park in North Augusta, SC - A new Camellia Garden at has been initiated by Dr. John Bigger.along with Dave and Anna Sheets and other Aiken society members.
Both of these gardens will provide beauty and enjoyment in years to come for people in the local area and visitors alike.